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作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2019/12/6 10:07:42  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin


我们不仅建立起自己的品牌、影响和信用, 更一直以实际行动秉承环保理念,创造着可持续发展的企业社会责任商业模式,描绘出属于未来的国际联运价值标准,立志成长为肩负起社会责任的现代物流企业。我们始终秉承:围绕客户需求的创新是我们的灵魂,服务是我们根本,打造全球物流行业里的民族品牌是我们的信念!顾客就是上帝.联鹰物流的成功和我们的客户管理息息相关.100%客户满意度是联鹰物流的永远追求.我们拥有强大销售团队源源不断地找到新的客户, 而且联鹰物流更重视对现有客人的维护.如果您是联鹰物流的客户, 我们更愿与您共成长.100% 现有客户满意度是联鹰物流市场声誉的保证.联鹰物流建立了不同层次的客户管理体系以确保我们对客户承诺的实现.
Customer is God. Our success is directly reted to our customer retention. 100% customer satisfaction will be our goal forever. We have strong sales force for the new business and we put more emphasis on taking care of our existing clients. We hope that our partners are also the right clients and would like to grow with these clients. 100% existing customer satisfaction will build up the company reputation. We have different level account retention team to ensure these goals.


We believe company success comes from unique culture, and we work hard to protect that culture and pass the culture to the new branches. In Eagle Alliance International, our culture is to go extra mile for the customers and provide an atmosphere for our employees to develop themselves. Our working atmosphere breeds success, and you will find that our people move faster, work harder and are better rewarded. Our offices are neat, organized and set up in accordance with our quality policies. We are a knowlege driven organization that focuses on continual improvement. We will do our best to protect our culture.


By recruiting, training, motivating and retaining the best personnel in the logistics business, our business is 100% employee satisfaction and our people are happy to make things happen. We hire employees based on attitude, and we train the skill which takes to make a successful career. We also set up a clear grading system to achieve 100% employee satisfaction

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